Conference proceedings

eLex2011 Entire volume
eLex2011-0 Front matter 
eLex2011-1 Moisés ALMELA, Pascual CANTOS and Aquilino SÁNCHEZ
Towards a Dynamic Combinatorial Dictionary: A Proposal for Introducing Interactions between Collocations in an Electronic Dictionary of English Word Combinations
eLex2011-2 Araceli ALONSO, Chrystel MILLON and Geoffrey WILLIAMS
Collocational networks and their application to an E-Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Verbs in Science (DicSci)
eLex2011-3 Mohammed ATTIA, Pavel PECINA, Lamia TOUNSI, Antonio TORAL and Josef VAN GENABITH
Lexical Profiling for Arabic
eLex2011-4 Henning BERGENHOLTZ, Theo BOTHMA and Rufus GOUWS
A model for integrated dictionaries of fixed expressions
eLex2011-5 Joanna BILIŃSKA
Describing Linde’s Dictionary of Polish for Digitalisation Purposes
eLex2011-6 Gerhard BUDIN and Karlheinz MÖRTH
Hooking up to the corpus: the Viennese Lexicographic Editor’s corpus interface
eLex2011-7 Jean V. CALLAHAN
It’s Not Impossible: Bringing Derived Words Out of the Shadows in an Electronic Dictionary
eLex2011-8 Valeria CARUSO
Online specialised dictionaries: a critical survey
eLex2011-9 Darja FIŠER and Jernej NOVAK
Visualizing sloWNet
eLex2011-10 Carolina FLINZ
The microstructure of Online Linguistics Dictionaries: obligatory and facultative elements
eLex2011-11 Nuria GALA and Mathieu LAFOURCADE
NLP lexicons: innovative constructions and usages for machines and humans
eLex2011-12 Maarten JANSSEN
Computer-Aided Inflection for Lexicography Controlled Lexica
eLex2011-13 Madis JüRVISTE, Jelena KALLAS, Margit LANGEMETS, Maria TUULIK and Ülle VIKS
Extending the functions of the EELex dictionary writing system using the example
of the Basic Estonian Dictionary
eLex2011-14 Ilan KERNERMAN
From Dictionary to Database: Creating a Global Multi-Language Series 
eLex2011-15 Adam KILGARRIFF, Avinesh PVS, Jan POMIKÁLEK
Comparable Corpora BootCaT
Corpus-based approaches for the creation of a frequency based vocabulary list
in the EU project KELLY – issues on reliability, validity and coverage
eLex2011-17 Mojca KOMPARA and Peter HOLOZAN
What is needed for automatic production of simple and complex dictionary entries
in the first Slovene online dictionary of abbreviations using Termania website
eLex2011-18 Alexander KOPLENIG
Understanding How Users Evaluate Innovative Features of Online Dictionaries – An
Experimental Approach
eLex2011-19 Iztok KOSEM, Milos HUSÁK and Diana McCARTHY
GDEX for Slovene
eLex2011-20 Vera KUZMINA
eLexicography, collaboration, bilingual corpora - all in one!
eLex2011-21 Robert LEW and Roger MITTON
Not the Word I Wanted? How Online English Learners' Dictionaries Deal
with Misspelled Words
eLex2011-22 Henrik LORENTZEN and Lars TRAP-JENSEN
There And Back Again – from Dictionary to Wordnet to Thesaurus and Vice Versa:
How to Use and Reuse Dictionary Data in a Conceptual Dictionary
eLex2011-23 Viviana MAHECHA MAHECHA and Janet DeCESARIS
Representing Nouns in the Diccionario de aprendizaje del español
como lengua extranjera (DAELE)
eLex2011-24 Svetlana MANIK
Blog on Socio-Political Vocabulary as a New Reference Tool
eLex2011-25 Peter MEYER
vernetziko: A Cross-Reference Management Tool for the Lexicographer’s Workbench
eLex2011-26 Christine MÖHRS and Antje TÖPEL
The “Online Bibliography of Electronic Lexicography” (OBELEX)
eLex2011-27 Carolin MüLLER-SPITZER, Alexander KOPLENIG and Antje TÖPEL
What Makes a Good Online Dictionary? – Empirical Insights from an Interdisciplinary
Research Project
eLex2011-28 María Teresa ORTEGO
The usage of field labels in English-Spanish bilingual e-dictionaries from the perspective of translators
eLex2011-29 D.J. PRINSLOO, Ulrich HEID, Theo BOTHMA and Gertrud FAAß
Interactive, dynamic electronic dictionaries for text production
eLex2011-30 Irene RENAU and Paz BATTANER
The Spanish Learner’s Dictionary DAELE on the Panorama of the Spanish E-lexicography
eLex2011-31 Paul RODRIGUES, David ZAJIC, David DOERMANN, Michael BLOODGOOD
and Peng YE

Detecting Structural Irregularity in Electronic Dictionaries Using Language Modeling
eLex2011-32 Michael RUNDELL and Sue ATKINS
The DANTE database: a User Guide
eLex2011-33 Anna RYLOVA
Adapting the dictionary entry structure and DWS configuration for creating a dictionary aimed to be published on paper, online and as electronic dictionary software for PC and mobile
eLex2011-34 Mojca ŠORLI
Pragmatic Components in the Slovene Lexical Database Meaning Descriptions
eLex2011-35 Irena SRDANOVIĆ
Evaluating e-resources for Japanese language learning
eLex2011-36 Anita SREBNIK
The Reversed Dutch-Slovene database: Shortcomings and Some Contrastive Linguistic Issues
eLex2011-37 Anna VACALOPOULOU, Voula GIOULI, Maria GIAGKOU and Eleni EFTHIMIOU
Online Dictionaries for immigrants in Greece: Overcoming the Communication barriers
eLex2011-38 Orsolya VINCZE, Margarita ALONSO RAMOS, Estela MOSQUEIRA SUÁREZ and
Exploiting a learner corpus for the development of a CALL environment
for learning Spanish collocations
eLex2011-39 Piek VOSSEN, Attila GÖRÖG, Fons LAAN, Maarten VAN GOMPEL, Rubén IZQUIERDO and Antal VAN DEN BOSCH
DutchSemCor: Building a semantically annotated corpus for Dutch
eLex2011-40 David ZAJIC, Michael MAXWELL, David DOERMANN, Paul RODRIGUES and
Correcting Errors in Digital Lexicographic Resources Using a Dictionary
Manipulation Language
eLex2011-41 Sabina ULSAMER
Automatically extracted word formation products in an online dictionary

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